Explode Shape Layers 3.4.8 [BEST]
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It's easy to accidentally delete layers . You can Ctrl+Click to select all layers at once, and Delete Layer to erase them. Or you can Select All and Delete Layers. It's a good idea to back up your comp before you delete layers, though.
But wait, there's more! Zoom to spot shapes that you missed, while Fit zeros in on the shapes you want to work on. Or Blend to remove unwanted strokes or fills.
These are just a few of the most useful tools on Shape Layer, but you can use the other tools to help you move, copy, split and re-order shapes. Just click on the buttons in the top right corner of the window to see all the options.
Re-order is another way to re-order layers, or create new layer folders. Hit the Plus button, then move/re-arrange the layers in your selected folder. Hit the Minus button and you can move a layer out of the folder too. Hit the Split button to do the same thing, but for multiple layers. You could also use this to split a folder of layers into the original folders. You can also Re-order the layers in a folder when you're finished. Hit the Plus button to add more layers, and the Minus button to move a layer out.
Got a little more work to do? You can Merge more layers together into new layers. Hit the plus/minus button to add more layer, then merge the new layers into your existing folders.
With the new Duplicate option, you can make as many copies of a layer as you need. Hit the Duplicate button and you'll get a new layer just like the one you selected.
If you want to turn off the outline of a shape layer, Turn Off Outline is the way to do it. Alternatively, Turn On Outline adds the outline back to the selected layer.
You can apply the same technique to modify layers created in Adobe Illustrator with the Select Fill and Adjust Stroke buttons, or create a new layer by exploding the shapes into their own layers with Explode. You can even Merge multiple layers or Cut individual shapes into your comp using the same technique. 827ec27edc